Sunday, December 26, 2010

Musings and more musing, about a new way of looking at the world and us (not) being wiped off the galactic map, short hols in the north, and Peru news...

Alright then, that’s another Christmas done and dusted. My second one in my new home. Sigh... where did these years go? And, more important, what did I do with them? I am beginning to realise that I don’t always have to ‘do’ something, that I can actually sit back and just enjoy the ride. It must have been my German upbringing which makes me feel guilty when I am not usefully employed, and I don’t mean employed as in ‘employed by someone else to do something useful’, but to put my mind and my hands to good use.

Can you believe that after all these years(!) I still feel as though I ought to apologise (to whom?) for sitting down and reading during the day when instead (as my mother used to intone) I ‘should make myself useful’? Worse still is sitting down and doing nothing at all except a little meditating on fings... Which brings me to something I recently wrote in a different context:

Today I remember emotions and judgments from yesteryear, seen from my 'lofty' position of over 70, and I often wonderingly revisit books, paintings, poems, attitudes, certainties and understand that much of what I dismissed or valued then was totally entwined with the context of the time and my life within it, its tastes, frivolities and fashions. 

It often had as much to do with how I wanted to present myself to the world as with the fact that we mould our whole being to the expectation of our context, or most of us would crack (or be cracked). As in the famous tree which bends with the wind will survive whereas the rigid one will most certainly break.

I do not consider this to be dishonest, neither do I believe that my values of various stations in my life were worth 'more' or 'less', it's simply that we move within the vortex and adjust to its dynamics. I am no longer certain of anything much, having understood that rigid adherence to who I thought I may have been only a moment ago will leave me closed to the exhilarating experience of NOW, and 'all that which sails in her'.

Despite confessing to ‘often moulding myself in the image of current thought and fashion’,  I have never been very good at accepting things at face value, have always painfully questioned everything, especially religion and the arts - even physics, of which I officially understand very little, opposing prevailing opinion often with MY certainties - when I was still at an age of certainties. I seem to have arrived at a point in my life where I can see that everything is in flux and I can more easily contemplate the expression of our lives from various angles with the logical results of a shift in perception.

Talking about which – the shift in perception – I was delighted and very excited by a gift of immense value (to me, potentially to all of us) given to me by my friend Sonsoles who made me aware of a new star on the physics heaven: Nassim Haramein.

If you are not familiar with his name, this is a short para of what is said about him:

“ If you are not yet familiar with Nassim Haramein's exciting work, prepare yourself for an exhilarating odyssey into hyperspace and beyond. Haramein, who has spent his lifetime researching fields of physics from quantum theory to relativistic equations and cosmology, will lead you along a fascinating discussion geared to a layman's understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe and creation that includes black holes, gravitational forces, dimensions, and the very structure of space itself - all of which are integral parts of his now complete Unified Field Theory. Haramein's theory is currently in the peer review process for publication in physics journals…”

Sonsoles sent me two links, the two parts of his presentation at the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library a few years back of four hours each:

Now that’s an awful lot to digest and many of you won’t have time for it. If you look on Youtube for Nassim Haramein, you’ll find parts of this presentation – taken out of context but still valid pieces of information about a new slant on things.

Here is another quote:

“From these calculations, a new paper has recently been released entitled Scale Unification – A Universal Scaling law For Organized Matter which describes our universe as embedded white hole / black hole or white / black “whole” structures from universal size to atomic and subatomic scales.

Instead of seeing ourselves as separate from everything around us, this view allows us to recognize that we are embedded in a fractal feedback dynamic that intrinsically connects all things via the medium of a vacuum structure of infinite potential. This research has far-reaching implications in a variety of fields including theoretical and applied physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, chemistry, sociology, psychology, archaeology, anthropology, etc. A fundamental understanding of the dynamics of this interconnectivity redefines the lens through which we see the universe and our place in it, and leads to theoretical and technological advancements that move us towards a sustainable future. This new approach to the physics of universal forces has the potential to solve the most pressing issues of our times.”

If those two quotes make you at all curious, I recommend to set aside the hours somehow and follow Nassim Haramein as he takes us through the paces.
One of the most shocking parts of those eight hours is his assertion (with proof thrown in), that we are only still here because a good old miracle happened or our planet would have been mince meat, or toast, as Haramein puts it. Most of us who are interested in this kind of stuff knew that a planet or meteor, called Nibiru, was on its way to make us disappear very suddenly. A prediction from thousands of years ago, Nibiru was due about now. A comet, called NEAT by NASA and about twice the size of Jupiter (that’s kind of huuuuuuuuge) was about to hit us a little while ago. Its approach and the subsequent deviation from its path has been caught by NASA’s observation satellite SOHO (at the moment in sun orbit if I understand it correctly) and Haramein contends that NEAT was in fact what the ancients called NIBIRU and we are here but for the grace of a huge solar coronal mass ejection pushing the comet from its original and not quite beautifully planned path. Whatever you think, take a peep. It’s a very different take on matters:

In Lima, we’ve had a very unquiet Christmas Eve. Different cultures, different customs. Last year
I missed it all because we went to my sister-in-law’s house about 100 km to the south of Lima, almost at the end of the known world. We stayed in town this time, and during the evening and most of the night the parties didn’t cease. Coming from a time (and country) that was into quiet Christmas Eves, rather more introspective than spectacular, and having - because of emotional need - tried to continue in this tradition while the kids were small, I admit to having been shocked by the fireworks, noise, drunkenness etc which I associate more with New Year’s Eve, Sylvester Night. Just telling you. I am not complaining. Who am I to complain anyway when for years now I didn’t even celebrate Christmas in any particular way but as an event of good will, love and caring, looking forward to the return of the light. Anyway, I still can’t truly get in the mood while it’s getting hotter and hotter...

My friend Sania came over in November - as I told you she would - and we took off for the north, flying into Tumbes and then by Taxi (driven by much appreciated Kiko, the taxi man) in one-and-a-half hours to Máncora – a surfer’s paradise near the frontier with Ecuador.

The weather (as everywhere) is not quite as expected and even then was uncharacteristically cold. Still, we had a great old time of it. The bungalow was beautiful (even though just a little neglected, we felt), the sea still cold but absolutely hypnotising by day and by night, the pool lovely and fresh, and the walks by the sea an adventure every time because we weren’t quite up on when the tide would be in or out. So a couple of times we were surprised by high tide and I was bravely climbing over sharp, wet rocks while the waves were trying to get me and my shoulder bag with powerful cold lashings. These very same waves drowned Sania’s Blackberry. RIP. We saw fish being fished, sea lions competing with the pelicans (and many other to us un-known birds) for the fish that nobody wanted to take home, we went out on the high sea dolphin and old oil-rig watching, we did a beach ride on horseback and we ate phenomenally well (with a few pisco sours thrown in, of course). And on the last day, lo and behold, from our high-up window overlooking the sea, we saw clearly, no doubt about it, a last-minute whale breaching... the one who forgot the time when all the others took off for the colder splurges down south. Or perhaps that one responded to our deepest desires.

Back in Lima we didn’t have many days left but managed to see a few sights. Barranco, as always, displayed its hidden exquisite shops, its outrageous graffiti and its general bohemian air with aplomb, and we visited a beautiful museum (El Museo Larco) which I had not seen before either and were impressed.

Especially with the many huge bougainvillea and other subtropical wonders standing in pots or winding around bits of the white walls of one of the last large hacienda-style colonial houses. Apparently it was the grandson of the family founder who decided to become an archaeologist and who rescued much of Peru’s heritage for the Peruvians. I asked and they told me that they have 40,000 more artefacts than those on permanent show in backrooms and vaults. Wow!


So, what else is in the news?
Oh, I forgot: have a look at the latest news on sustainable energy. Some exciting stuff in the offing.

As far as Peru goes we are being told the immensely important facts that

  • four million Peruvians are on Facebook (that’s 13% of the total populace as Mike points oout),
  • beer consumption has doubled (but is still below the rest of Latin America) and that
  • Peru's quinoa exports are likely to grow by 30% in 2011 thanks to the North American demand. The US buy - according the  consulting company Maximime - 60% of the country’s exportable offer. In New York, according to ‘my sources’ (in other words friends) quinoa is offered in delis and restaurants at extremely high prices and is praised as a ‘total’ foodstuff. This wonder food is still not very highly regarded in Peru itself, especially in the ‘sophisticated’ Lima and surroundings due to lingering prejudices to be overcome. We eat quinoa approximately once a week and it’s absolutely delicious and totally addictive the way Elena makes it (her family comes from where they grow it). You’ll perhaps ask yourselves ‘Elena’? What happened to Jenny? Well, Jenny wasn’t quite as honest as one would like when one lives with someone in the house and is no longer with us; but Elena is and she is absolutely amazing.
  • They say that the artefacts of Inca and pre-Inca origin nicked (as all those things were nicked all over the world from all over the world) by wicked foreign archaeologists and which ended up at Yale University will be exhibited in Cusco in July of 2011, but nobody talks about returning the stuff. See Elgin Marbles?
  • And last but not least, the Peruvian president Alan García says that the WikiLeaks’ revelations about his ‘colossal ego’ and his (colossal) weight have not offended him. Excellent. So all is well with the world.
I leave you with a little friendly dig and a few pics:

According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December.

Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl.

We should have known... ONLY women would be able to drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost.

Ha! Smile... until next year. Be well and brace yourselves for a somewhat bumpy ride which however will end well, and we’ll get off it in much improved circumstances. Have faith!